No. 34 A Tie-Dyed Pullover and An Alocasia

Hey yall hey! I’m back with another one of my makes and one of my pretty plants!…Now before I start rambling I wanna say I hope everybody is in good spirits and doing well!…I’ve been okay around these parts; just sewing and tending to my small jungle….Let’s get to the good stuff shall we? TheContinue reading “No. 34 A Tie-Dyed Pullover and An Alocasia”

No. 32 Sewing room spruce up for Spring

Well how’s it going y’all? Everything’s everything around these parts; just working and dreaming up dress projects for Spring and Summer….Of course I apologize for my erratic posting but here I am again harassing y’all about my sewing shenanigans…I told myself I was going to start sharing my plants and stuff too; they’re so prettyContinue reading “No. 32 Sewing room spruce up for Spring”

No. 29 Mini Bodycon w/ Lotus blooms and Stiletto Thigh Highs

Okay hey y’all hey I’m back…I keep telling myself over and over that I’ll stick to a blogging schedule but I just fall off every single time…Maybe if I don’t hold myself to a schedule that I’ll actually be consistent….Who knows?….Anyway I have a new dress to show off to you good people today andContinue reading “No. 29 Mini Bodycon w/ Lotus blooms and Stiletto Thigh Highs”

No. 25 Way back when; with honors today

Howdy everyone and I hope all is well today!….I’m watching one of my favorite movies; the Bird Cage and staring at my fabric; just letting my mind wander….Things going on today have gone on before and reflections on those times are inevitable I suppose….Sewing keeps me from being so angry about the things I’ve learnedContinue reading “No. 25 Way back when; with honors today”