No. 33 Lace, Blooms, and a Belize

I’m back again yall! Gone ‘head and check to see if any piggies are indeed flying because yall know me LOL…but in my defense I’ve really been trying to be more consistent with my sewing and blog posts I promise. Life been life-ing of course but I’m still here and I just cannot complain. After I cleaned up my sewing space (see last post) I’ve been in super good spirits for all my crafty stuff. I’ve been much more consistent with my social media posts though and for that I’m grateful; if you good people want to check out my stuff in other places just let me know! One day at a time I suppose yeah? Now let’s get to the good stuff.

My interests are just as scatter brained as I am and at this point and I have no plans on gathering any of my thoughts LOL I wanted to introduce another one of my passions which is houseplants! (I’ve had plants in my place since I had my first apartment at 19; one came from my Mama and the other one was given to my from my Gramma; they both were avid houseplant people) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE houseplants just as much as I do sewing so I’ll be introducing each one of them along with a cute dress or something else I’ve sewn up until yall have met them all…After I cleaned up my sewing space I found some lace fabric that I had totally forgot all about. I have so much fabric in there so this happens quite a bit; which is why I haven’t bought any fabric in a very long time. (I used to have fabric deliveries at least once a week at a point in my life) I told myself that I would now only buy fabric if I need something specific because I have so many pieces. Three pieces stood out after the spruce up so I left them out on my sewing table and this beautiful fabric was first up.

The fabric is described as “Soft, Dusty Blush Pink/Off White 100% Nylon Corded Lace with Petals”….basically it’s a piece of the most beautiful lace fabric with 3-D blooms and petals! Watch when yall get to the pictures whewwww lol…I had three yards of all the beauty and used almost all of it; I still have about a half a yard left. The pattern I used for my new dress is Simplicity 8013 View D…I was going to serge the whole thing but I was too lazy to re-thread my serger; it has Black thread on it now….The dress turned out literally perfect and I fell even more in love with the fabric after it was finished….I wore it yesterday and kept it on all day; it was that comfortable.

And now on to the first plant I want to introduce yall to…It’s my beautiful Tri-Color Ficus Elastica; or in lay’s terms a Triple colored Rubber Tree plant. I’m now the proud owner of three rubber trees which will all be featured at one point or another. This is my first time owning a rubber tree plant let alone three of them but they are some of the prettiest things on Earth and I’m so glad they’re here….My plants make me just as HAPPY as sewing does and chileeee that is saying something! Do you hear me? Where I snagged it from is escaping me right now but I believe it was from Albertson’s! They never know what they have and you can pretty much go plant shopping in there like a garden center; especially around Mother’s Day…They often have rare plants that just die because there’s only one or two employees to look after them and I’m sure they have a lot of stuff to do normally so the plants often get overlooked. This tree-like plant is hearty, with large, glossy leaves that are sturdy and beautiful. Most plants clean the air inside of our places and this one is no exception. I’ve heard that they’re especially effective at cleaning formaldehyde and other chemical toxins from the air!…I have three of them in my bedroom and I stare at them all the time…They are really soooo pretty…Now yall know I can ramble on and on so I’ll just say like I usually do that if you have any questions just let me know…If you have plants I’d love to see them too! And another as always I’ll put the pictures at the end…

Talk to you good people in a couple weeks!


Published by ~LOLA~

I sew a whole lot, I buy waaaaayyyyy too much fabric, and I have an obsession with books (especially sewing books and magazines), shoes, and an insane amount of fat quarters (and I don't even quilt)...Bags will always hold a special place in my heart; I still make em from time to time......I can ramble all day about sewing and I feel a good ramble coming on sewwwww I'll stop here (pun intended).....

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