No. 24 Abstract Mickey Mouse or Polka Dots?

Good evening yall!…I’m at home chillin’; doing laundry and other house stuff…Of course I’m in my sewing space staring at fabric and trying to figure out what to sew up next….This post was going to feature another dress I made a while ago but the pictures I took yesterday (every last one of them) was UGLY as hell….I didn’t like any of them; some of them had some weird highlight over ’em and the others were just thrashed in general…needless to say that dress will have to be featured another time….

Now this post is sort of a first for me….I say sort of because the dress is from a Burda pattern and I hadn’t ever sewn with one before….most of the Burda patterns I have are in my magazines which means mind numbing tracing….I stray away from them more often than not because I HATE tracing because its hella time consuming…I just wanna get to the sewing you know?…..Burda patterns are like some impossible maze I swear….One day I got it in my mind that I wanted to make a dress from one of my Burda magazines and actually had enough energy to trace it….by the end of my tracing session I ended up with friggin’ bustier pattern pieces instead of the dress!…I’ll feature the bustier on another date too; its soooo cute but unfinished….its in the corner of shame but I’m not at all ashamed of it…I just thought I was going to have a dress; I never wanted a bustier like ever but my sewing fairies must’ve felt I needed one! LOLOL…so yeah, Burda mazes, I mean patterns are a bit much if they don’t come in an envelope to say the least!

I made this dress back in November of 2018, the 20th to be exact…..I made View C with View B’s full length sleeves….the fabric is a scuba knit described as “Black/Tan/White Poly/Lycra Polka Dot Border Print”…..I had a couple yards and it turned out to be perfect for this dress….its super warm and wears well too….this is my second time wearing it; the fabric did pill a bit in the wash but not enough to look bad….the neckline was jacked up when I first wore it; I basted it in the bathroom at a party with my emergency sewing kit I keep in my purse at all times! LOLOLOL…..When I got ready to show it off today I refinished the neckline and finally removed the basting stitches….I wanted to use one of my twin needles but the fabric was kinda too thick so I just did double line hems on all edges…..I also fudged the gathers because I didn’t read the directions well enough and ended up having to redo ’em a couple times…..when I finished I had learned a couple things about necklines when using scuba knit and a new way to make gathers…..I liked this dress so much I made it again in a Black knit which I’ll feature another time….I must admit it though, the Black one is much, much better than this one but they are both pretty cool!….Oh, I have the pattern information this time around too!…its Burda Style Super Easy 6910 View C….the only thing I changed were the length of the sleeves as mentioned earlier….

Now lemme show yall the pictures….I don’t like these all that much either but they are beyond better than the trash I took yesterday….Talk to you good people soon I promise!


No makeup today; I’m so damned tired….excuse my meh face LOL….can yall see the Mickey Mouse heads or is it just me?….
Back shot
Side shot
MsKRS of MsKRS’ Pink Stitches
Burda Style Super Easy #6910 View C

No. 23 Geometric stripes that I like anyway

Hi yalllll! How is your Friday going so far?…I hope alright and that you’re feeling alright too!….I’m trying to keep my promise by sharing more with my peeps and showing more of my makes….Well, here we go now with this one…..

The outfit of the hour is basically a Tim Gunn ensemble that came from an adventurous idea…..First off lemme share that I made this outfit in November of 2017….yep, 2017….I’ve made so many things AND worn ’em but I never take pictures…I’m always so ready to go have fun that pictures just always took a backseat even though I have full intentions on taking ’em…..I’m not doing that hiding my makes thing anymore….I kinda revamped my social media sites to accommodate my new plans for sharing stuff…. well anyway, at that time I saw a cowl neck, A-line, jersey knit maxi dress **pretty awesome description amiright?** floating around the internet and I had it in my mind that I was going to duplicate it….ummmm yeah no; my version ended up looking a hot mess!…..I took to my pattern stash and found a cowl neck top pattern and I was going to self-draft the maxi dress part….by the time I was “done” with the dress it looked like a cowl neck blanket! Oh HELL no….so I sat staring at the big blob of a dress (this fabric is quite thick) for a few minutes and decided to hack it in half and turn the bottom part of the dress into a pencil skirt….it worked like a charm and I ended up liking it; a lot….I created two awesome seam lines in the front to make the pencil skirt kinda fancy you know?….

I cant remember where I got the fabric from but I’m almost certain that it was a thrifted piece…it’s a super thick printed knit fabric that is soooo warm and comfy…it would’ve made a great blanket if I did want to turn the “dress” into a Snuggly rendition but I digress….its kinda brisk outside today but I was nice and toasty in my makes….the cowl neck pattern is a Simplicity pattern from yesteryear; the pattern number of course escapes me but if yall want or need the info just let me know and I’ll track it down for ya’, ya’ know I will!….Now let me share the pictures….I’ll talk to you good people soon I promise!


No. 22 Then and Now….

Howdy good people; I hope all is well witcha’!  I’m all right, just sitting here watching Frasier (of course) and getting ready to go to the grocery store….I need some veggies and a few other things so I have to go sometime today.  I’ll try to avoid the cookie aisle but I promise yall I’m already thinking about Oreos, Lorna Doones, and Nutter Butters!

Now this post is comes from back in the day per say because I sewed these garments years ago….First up is my cape; well one of em….Faux fur seems to be all the rage right now and I agree it is the bomb….the fabric stores have quite a selection to choose from.  Trendy I am not (in my Yoda voice) so my faux fur fondness **say that 10 times fast** started a long time ago….On one of my many trips to my beloved Hancock’s Fabrics I spotted this beautiful faux fur (they had thee best selection of faux furs) but it was quite expensive….I kept my eye on it and as soon as it went on sale (used a couple coupons too) I snagged a few yards….I forget the description of the fur and I can’t really tell which animal its replicating (maybe chinchilla?) but it was my favorite one at the time….the fur’s final destination was a cape; another “trend” nowadays…..the pattern name and number escapes me though; even went through my old blog posts and pictures trying to get more pattern information for yall but to no avail….I apologize but I am going to continue to look for you good people just in case….my cape was made back in December of 2015!…One thing I do remember is that my allergies were acting up so bad and fur was EVERYWHERE that day! LOL!  It was a labor of messy love I tell you what!

The jumpsuit I’m wearing is another oldie but goodie!  I whipped it up back in February of 2014!  Now I have much more pattern information on my jumpsuits because I’ve made McCall’s 6083 View C at least four times!  I really love this pattern and even bought a new one when my old one just fell apart because I used it so much….I learned a few things by the second time I made the pattern; light alterations and stuff….the first time I made it I didn’t really like the length of the torso but I didn’t know if I could pull off fixing it to my liking….but by the time I had sewn the 4th one the fit was actually good…my rulers were put to good use!…

Okay yall now let me share the pictures and show off my goods….This post is also to remind folks to do whatchu’ like, wear whatchu’ like, and just BE YOU….trends come and go (try not to follow them) and some are a complete mess…..if you like something do it, wear it, make it, whatever, whenever….if it becomes a “trend” then so be it…..I’ll talk to you good people soon I promise!



Royal Citizen of Zamuunda or nahhhhh LOL








No. 21 Not-so-moody Blues

Hey everybody its 2019!……I hope the holidays didn’t irritate you too bad and that you got through it without much strife….I, for one am all the way happy about “the holidays” being O-V-A…..The new year is already in full swing and I love the prospects of new beginnings….Everything is so far, so good (fingers crossed) and things are going according to plan….Speaking of plans this year I bought a planner!…My daughter talked me into getting one on one of our trips to Hobby Lobby….I swear I didn’t know I needed one but they really come in handy…I’ve always been stationery and pen kinda girl so I always have pretty notebooks stashed everywhere but a planner is something I just didn’t know would benefit me…..It really helps to keep me on schedule and reminds me to finish stuff…..I’m still kinda leery about actually making plans because every single time I do they fall through dramatically…. but I said eff it and started planning anyway….we shall see, yeah?….

Okay now on to the outfit that inspired this post…It’s a McCall’s mashup I made back in November; the 24th to be exact….The pants are from McCall’s M7873 View D….I cut a size 16 and the pattern had three pattern pieces…..the pattern called for knits of course; and even if they didn’t I undoubtedly would’ve used a knit anyway….Rules and me just don’t get along very well….For the top I used McCall’s M6992 View C…..for the pants I should’ve done a crotch adjustment but it didn’t bother me too much when I wore them….when I make them again I’m going to do a slight alteration and add a bit of length too……according to my notes I recorded while sewing these coordinates the top pattern is awesome….and now that I think about it, it was a fun sew….the pieces came together perfectly and the top turned out bomb!…..maybe a little length will be added to the top next time I whip it up too…..

The fabrics I used came from Fabric Mart (one of my favorite online fabric stores) and I did the cool color-blocking thing with this outfit…..the idea came to me when I was choosing fabrics….I used Bahama Blue Polyester/Lycra Ponte and Seafoam Green Polyester/Lycra Ponte knits and they were perfect for the job….they were so pretty and vibrant; I thought of Tiffany….when I finished the outfit it was kinda blah to me; like it needed some kinda jazz to kick it up a notch….My sewing supply hoarding came in handy once again…I have this bag of “P’s” and a bag of “5’s” that I bought at least 2-3 years ago for no reason other than thinking they were cool….I had no idea what I was going to do with them so I put ’em in with the rest of the stuff that “I may need one day”….that day finally came….I dug them out and put three of ’em on my new outfit; one of each shoulder  and one on the pants….it took the outfit from zero to sixty just like that….it went from meh to awwww yeah just from adding some shiny sequin P’s….the “P” is for my maiden name Packard by the way; just an FYI…

okay yall now I’m rambling again and talking sewing makes me wanna talk forever….my sewing room is calling me so I’ll end this post by saying watch this space and my social media accounts too if you wanna see more sewing goodness and hear about other shenanigans I manage to get myself into!….I plan to sew and show…show all the way out that is *wink-wink*….(scroll for the pictures)

Talk to you good people soon I promise!



the Planner

No. 20 Hot Butta’ Yella’ courtesy of old school Butterick style…..

Now this post is already late according to my “plan”; and see my friends that is why I hardly make any…. well plans, that is……Oh, and hey yall hey!….just came in rambling on this one huh? LOL…well here is some more sewing gibberish because this dress pattern is just all ‘dat; and the color really makes it the sugar honey iced tea…..Soooo I’ve been having this canary yellow (and tangerine orange too) obsession going on since early Summer right?….it all started on Pinterest….I searched those colors and the yellow shades were just so pretty….so feminine and fresh and just goes with the California sunshine oh so perfectly….Of course I’m still stuck in this time warp of yesteryear so I took to my old school patterns once again….

Ended up sewing Butterick B6318 View A….the pattern was in one of my Love Sewing magazine packages and immediately became a favorite of mine just by looking at the envelope (I’ve had it for a while)….this reprint is just dripping in old school goodness; I mean the pattern actually says “Retro Butterick ’61”!….Just everythinggggg I swear….Okay now lemme give up the goods on sewing the pattern….I took to my ever-growing stash and of course my hoarding once again provided the perfect canary yellow fabric for my new dress….the fabric I used I believe I thrifted so my description of the fabric may be a little off—–I’m thinking its some sort of polyester blend; it’s slubbed too….kinda reminded me of a heavy linen too…’s like it was made just for sewing this particular dress; there’s that OG Sewing Magic again…..the pattern had seven pattern pieces and the dress came together in an afternoon….[I made this dress a little bit ago, Sunday August 12th to be exact hence the late blog post thing **covers face**]…I had quite a bit of yardage but the width wasn’t wide enough to cut the skirt part of the dress so I had to Tim Gunn it… all worked out well though and his observant eye would be proud…..I cut the size 16 (I cut my actual size for this pattern because I didn’t use a knit like I usually do); and added a matching vintage Talon brand zipper to to make it all the way fly!….I like the sash thingy on this pattern too; the pieces are actually sewn into the dress! I’ve never sewn a dress with that feature before and I just love it…..the feature reminder is written somewhere in here and will no doubt resurface just when I need it….okay I came in like a chatterbox so I’ll end this pattern and sewing rave with some pictures….Until next time good people, until next time….


The pattern of the hour

Front view

Side one

Side two

Back view

Sash feature close up

Texture shot




No. 19 The Sunday Dress; you know easy like…..

Good afternoon y’all and I hope everything is as well as possible….As I mentioned before I would try to share more of my makes instead of keeping all the goodness to myself so yeah!!….On to this pretty dress that’s full of color and happy face stuff….

First of all the fabric is from my beloved Hancock’s Fabrics….both pieces have been in my stash for quite some time; I was on an eyelet kick when I first started sewing so as soon as I saw them I snatched ’em up…..thought about making an A-line skirt a long time ago but I didn’t have enough yardage; or so I thought….I didn’t think about the color-blocking thing until I decided to make the dress….the color-blocking thing for the A-line skirt may work better with different colors now that I think about it…..

The pattern is another one from one of my favorite books** Chic and Simple Sewing by Christine Haynes**...its called The Sunday Dress and the example in the book is whipped up in Black eyelet; and its sooooo pretty….I hardly ever follow the pattern’s fabric suggestions but for some reason I knew I had to use eyelet for this dress….I sew with knits more often than not no matter what the pattern says but this particular dress would not shine as bright without using eyelet I swea’ fo Lawd….yayyyyy me for having a fabric buying issue with four yards to create with amiright?!…I had a slight problem with the waistband (I was tired asf); I couldn’t figure out the pieces to a friggin’ waistband (crazy right?) but this morning I found them to be cut totally wrong so yeah it wasn’t going to work that day or any other day…..when I started the dress that epiphany escaped me and I chucked it in the corner of shame and immediately started another project which was a simple tank top that turned out to be a fail and is now in the corner of shame too because it needed bias tape but I didn’t have the right color so I decided to finish the neck a different way and okay I’m rambling LOLOLOL….   okay yeah that sewing session had a lot of sewing mishaps to say the least…but for some reason I couldn’t get the damn dress out of my mind yesterday so I when I got up this morning I decided to figure it out…the tank top is another story and that lopsided mess may never see the light of day!…the dress was saved with a little rest and re-cutting so lemme share the pictures because I can literally talk about something, well pretty much anything sewing all day….

–side note– the dress didn’t call for a lining on the skirt but the eyelet holes are much bigger than the example fabric used in the book….should I do a short lining or try and go naughty like the pattern suggests?…lemme know!…(oh and share blog links to sewing goodness)….Talk to you good people soon!


The Sunday Dress

close up of the bodice

Another shot in front of my super awesome button fro picture….

Finished the dress up on Greyson….

Started the dress on my Janome

Black eyelet is now on my list of fabrics I need in my stash; who knew?….a yellow piece too, and orange….


No. 18 Pineapple slices poppin’ with New Look

Well now how is everybody this good Wednesday afternoon?!  I’m more than all right because I actually felt like taking pictures and blogging today!  Yayyyyy me amiright?!  Yall know I sew like the dickens but flicking it up and writing it down has been just  escaping me lately…I said I was going to change that and why not change it on the 1st of August?  Something about new beginnings make me feel like I’m not so out of touch with what I feel I should be doing…..

Now on to my dress yall….I loves me some pineapple and fabric even more so when the two combine its always a big arse YES from me……you never wanna not buy the fabric you know?……I snagged this fabric quite some time ago from Fabric Mart so when I decided to make New Look’s S0802 View C I took to my stash….I usually sew with knits so sewing with rayon this go ’round was a refreshing change…..the description on the fabric was “Burgundy/Pale Yellow/Sunflower Yellow Pineapple Slices 100% Rayon”….it didn’t slide around too much; if at all and the dress came together with no issues (I usually sew straight out of the envelope and hate the hell out of alterations)….I whipped this dress up on June 2nd this year and have worn it at least twice; I love this little dress!…it just slips over my head with no hardware–I omitted the button in the back because I didn’t have any elastic cord at the time and was too damned lazy to make a fabric loop instead….the pattern only had five pieces and it was labeled “easy”….I cut the size 16 and sewed it up using my guy Greyson, my Heavy Duty Singer sewing machine…..Since the fabric was so light and flow-y I used a heavier thread and sewed double lines on the hem and neckline to give it some weight~~it worked like a charm!….

Okay here are the pictures; my husband decided he would take them for me, it’s already 100+ degrees and these are really the best we could do before we passed out from the heat! LOLOL….Talk to you good folks soon I promise!….oh and if you want me to check out your makes just share em with me!….




my neighbors need to get the trashcans huh?….shiddddd its HOT!  LOL!







My cat snuck outside when we were taking pictures; she is quite nosy!  Yall see her on the porch?…


Now off to brave the heat because I need to go to the grocery store accckkkkkkk

No. 17 “Designer’s Inspiration” Simplicity

Whattttt??!! Another blog post so soon??!! Well yeah because I’ve been off work for the past few days and I’ve had the energy to do what I actually want to do!  Go figure!…Well this post is about a new make;  it was finished just today!….Now, a little dialogue….

Yesterday I was in my sewing room really wanting to sew but I didn’t know if I wanted to sew something hella extra or just something quick and easy…I was also tidying up the house and doing laundry….long story short I took a nap and when I woke up I started “sewing”….you know the process of looking around your sewing space, messing with stuff that you’re not going to use, and sifting through patterns….This pattern has been in my stash for quite some time; a few years to be exact….I snagged it from my beloved Hancock’s Fabrics when I first started sewing….I’m almost certain I hadn’t sewn it because at the time I wasn’t very good at installing hardware and had no clue that it wasn’t necessary all the time….Sewwww while sifting away I found the lovely again…There are six views; three for the day and three for the evening…they’re all very feminine and pretty….One of my Instagram sewing friends suggested I sew View F initially but I ended up sewing View A….exactly the same cut but View F is a maxi version….I see myself making View F in a light, flowy fabric for the Spring and Summer like my friend suggested….

Awww Lawd I’m rambling again and haven’t mentioned the actual dress!  Okay here we go: I started it yesterday evening and finished it today; its Simplicity 2308 View A….I cut the size 14, which is the largest size on the envelope….The fabric is from Fabric Mart and its been in my stash for for a spell….its a sturdy knit fabric (but of course) and the description reads: “Dusty Pink/Black Poly/Lycra Box Plaid Ponte Knit 54W”….No alterations except the elimination of the hardware which would’ve been a 20″ zipper and a couple buttons….I cut the back piece on the fold too because of the hardware ditch….When I make the other views I’ll probably add them because the fabrics I have in mind wont hold up well enough without it….My knits have no problem standing on their own…..The pleats on the neckline gave me fits for no good reason and after three tries I just let it be…the side ones were okay but the middle one just would not cooperate…the fabric often has a mind of its own….Sewing moo-ju-juju! LOL…Well I’m feeling like whipping up something else so I’ll share the pictures….As always talk to me, share with me, direct me to all the best sewing stuff you can find!

Until next time yall!

Love,  MsKRS


Turned out very nice yeah?


Side one


Back view


Side Two


Zoom in to see the different day and evening views!


The pattern of the hour! Pretties for every time of the day! I can dig it!


Belle modeling; Pink Cookie in the background kinda too “free”…I need to make her something to wear!



No. 16 70’s Baby in 70’s gear

Yall!!!!!  I haven’t blogged in too long and for that I want to start this post out with an apology and virtual hug!…My February/Black History Month is off to a okay start and I’m grateful….Now I’ve been sewing sooooo much like nonstop but to blog about em; yeah that’s a whooollleee different story….Recently I told myself I was going to blog more and to be more dedicated to my cool beans of a craft….I may be getting more time to do just that (wink-wink stay tuned)….Right now today I’m sitting here with my GRANDbaby watching Forensic Files and roasting up a chicken….She’s doing something on her tablet; ABC Mouse it may be…’s smelling really Sunday dinner-ish up in here!…..I gotta figure out some kinda side dishes to make with the bird…..Okay now to share one of the many projects I done’ made recently…..

By now y’all know my love of vintage stuff and yesteryear; this outfit is one of many that I’ve whipped up but have basically kept hostage from my peeps on accident somewhat hahahahaha….well no more; for this outfit anyway……The pattern is circa 1974Simplicity 6326 View 2 Easy Cut Easy Sew Jiffy Knits pattern….it only came in one size; “Miss Size 14 Bust 36” AND aint none of these my size! LOLOL luckily knits are so forgiving.…this pattern actually called for knits (my absolute favorite fabric everrr, most of my patterns are for knits) so I referred to my beloved, ever-growing stash and dug out a printed knit I’ve been hoarding of course for no good reason….the fabric sewed up beautifully (which is one of the reasons why I love knits) and fit the pattern perfectly….it’s so comfy and easy to wear although those waistlines were quite high back in the day….no matter; the high waist definitely helps with the chubby hiding thingy I do…..did a couple alterations too; I didn’t add any hardware and I eliminated the butterfly collar….I didn’t really care for it–I cut it out and “set” it but ended up chucking it in the end….I’ll probably make the outfit again though; and the collar then because I kinda liked it on the envelope; maybe because it was in a contrast color on there….::prints and knits are two of my weaknesses just random FYI::….the collar seemed like it was too busy when I tried to add it this go ’round though…..overall the outfit is a really cool addition to my closet so I know it’ll remain in rotation….Vintage wins again peeps and I got a buncha’ crazy pictures to show y’all as proof…..any questions about this ‘fit just ask me, anything to show me just share, and I’ll talk to you good folks soon!

Always,  MsKRS

Pattern of the hour!
Yeah; the sash was kinda snug LOL!
I love this filter so much; it really makes it look like a back in the day picture….I look so much like my parents and family!

No. 15 Churnin’ Butterick; patterns that is….

Well howdy everybody and I hope you are enjoying this easy Sunday…Of course I am utterly and completely dreading going back to the rat race tomorrow but my sewing room is the BEST way for me to ease back into it…Been sewing so many things but of course no blogging nor pictures…I don’t have an excuse though; just a story (forgive me)….it’s in my plans to share, it is in the plans….This dress forced me to blog it though; the process was quite interesting; check it…..

It all started Sunday July 23, 2017; which I know was another therapy session because of the fresh hell I face weekly with my gig…..I remember that day because I was fiddling around in my sewing space and I couldn’t figure out what to sew…I was binging MadMen on Netflix and that moved me toward my vintage stash… I rummaged I kept running across these “weenie dog” type dress patterns; you know the ones with the super dropped waistline?…yeah,those….now I can’t bear to part with any old school pattern even though I may NEVER sew it and this particular style was filed under that category…..

Fast forward a bit (because I decided to go ahead and sew the style) to the fabric choice being “Coral/Citrus/ White Pineapple Print 100% Cotton Shirting” that reminded it should be washed gently; meh…..The print cheered me up and I went to work with only two yards so I Tim Gunn’d it….Pineapples every damn where!…My kinda party though cause it was wild! LOL…..The pattern is Butterick 3578 Size 16 Bust 36….Extra Quick ‘N Easy pattern with only four main pattern pieces….That’s what lured me in: Only four main pattern pieces….Now I am usually a speedy seamstress but this dress was drawn out until today!…That Sunday I started it I really thought I would have finished it that night but was stopped dead in my tracks because the pattern called for a lining….now I shoulda’ known it was going to need something because there were no facing pieces; just wasn’t thinking like at all….So I take to my stash and find thee perfect lining fabric that’s the same Coral color is the dress fabric….I supposed with all the fabric decisions and huge darts in the dress I got tired and went to sleep…..

Day number two started on Tuesday July 25, 2017….Installed the lining and was reminded of how tedious linings can be—-and more importantly of how necessary they are with certain garments for cool structure and finishes….

Day three was yesterday; Saturday July 29, 2017…..More tinkering with this dress…This UFO doesn’t bother me for some reason and the time span is making me love the dress more….it’s literally SLOWLY becoming one of my faves….I got a new Ott Lite for my space too which is thee perfect addition….it added just the right amount of light without being in the way of my machines…..Went ahead and got a new iron …this time a little cheap-y one; a Sunbeam….it has a lotttt of steam though… other one just quit steaming all together….now an iron is quite pointless without steam in my game which is why I put my other one in storage….the new one ” aint all dat” but it’ll do for now….(I’ll probably order my beloved Oliso tonight; my soul is telling me I should LOLOL)…..Anyway I got so far as installing the lining and I quit again….the lining and had a buncha’ hand sewing involved and I wasn’t interesting in any more sewing after that….

Now today was the showdown….I installed the hook and eye!!!!!!! Bahahahahahahahahahahahaha!…that is all I did today for my dress!….I even hemmed it yesterday too; I forgot about that……but it’s done….I couldn’t find my bees wax for the first session of the hand sewing and it was flat irritating….I started digging around in here and finally found it though….Now lets see if I can pull off another one of my MadMen shenanigans……Here’s my new girl —–>:


the pattern of the hour…..


Its kinda pretty yeah?…..we’ll see….








I forgot all about quitting because I had to do the zipper….I put the zip in yesterday too….it was also from yesteryear…..a Talon brand zipper I got from one of my thrifting trips…..It was the perfect size; after I had to look through every single zipper in my possession….this dress, this dress….I better look darling in it!








Need to do a final press and she’s ready to go…..Has anyone sewn anything similar lately?…Ever?….Show me your makes!